Sunday, November 27, 2011

Caveat Emptor "Reader Beware"

Lately, I have come across too many articles on the web that are just outright wrong.

A good example is an article about Constant Contact (CTCT) on Seeking Alpha.  In the article, linked here, the author has a sensational headline about his 'next multibagger idea' and talks about CTCT.  Since I am short CTCT, I want to be exposed to the bullish scenario and see where my thesis is wrong.  Instead, I am more convinced that being short is correct in that I had not read an article by Barry Ritholtz and the problems and complaints with CTCT. Worse yet, the author sites as his main catalyst the integration of Social Media upcoming in December 2011.  Yet, social media is already integrated and was integrated in December 2010.  And I thought we were told that the markets were efficient?

As much as I like Seeking Alpha (and I read articles on the site everyday), you need to be careful and make sure that the article (including articles on this blog) are only the start of researching an idea and not the only basis for making a trade.

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